I have been nominated for Mystery Blogger Award by Priya from priyreflects. Thank you so much Priya. I am delighted to receive this award nomination. It is indeed an honour receiving the award from the most fashionable squirrel ever! She sure could have given Audrey Hepburn a run for her money!
This award is the brainchild of Okoto Oke Enigma – a teenage blogger who felt that there are several amazing undiscovered blogs out there that are a mystery to the world. That’s why she called it the ‘The Mystery Blogger Award’. It is also named after the creator since ‘Enigma’ means ‘Mystery’.
She says…
“It’s an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging, and they do it with so much love and passion.”
Let’s spread some blog love people!!
Here are the “RULES” that must be followed…
- Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog
- Put the award logo/image on your blog
- Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well
- List the rules
- Tell your readers 3 things about yourself
- Share a link to your best post(s)
- You have to nominate 10 – 20 people
- Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice; with one weird or funny question (specify)
- Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog
So here are 3 things I want my readers to know about me:
1. I am an introvert and a highly sensitive person. I recently realized and accepted this about myself (at 35!!). This discovery has been the beginning of my journey of self-introspection. And I look forward to unravelling aspects of myself that I was too scared to accept earlier. Der aaye…durustaaye..hainna?
2. When I am not writing, I read, sketch, paint T-shirts, indulge in some Origami, watch stand-up comedy on Youtube (I don’t watch TV at all – but am unfortunately addicted to Youtube!) or solve my 3X3 Rubik’s cube (Best time: 1 minute 36 seconds)
3. I wish to change the world. This is something that’s really embarrassing to declare since I have done nothing towards this yet! I don’t even know where to start. But it’s a burning desire I have always had – to make a worthy contribution to this world. I hope that one day my wish does come true. Maybe it will be through my writing…maybe it won’t. But this is one regret I don’t want to have on my death bed.
My best post:
Answers to Priya’s questions:
1) If you were to choose a pen name what would it be?
If I ever were to write a book, I know I would be extremely tempted to pick a name that would be male and North-Indian – e.g. Reyansh Chopra. Just to get over a lot of biases. 🙂
2) Share your best memory ever?
The first time I went parasailing in Goa – 10 years back. It was a much-needed vacation. It was also the first one without my family. There had been so much stress at work and I was wondering what I was doing with my life. That’s when one of my gal pals decided to go to Goa and I just tagged along. I remember being so scared, but when I was finally high up in the air I remember more than anything…just enjoying the silence. It was sooo precious. I felt blessed. I could sense my troubles and stress just melt away and I felt so light. I will recommend this adventurous stress-buster to everyone. Please do take all safety precautions though. 🙂
3) Tell me about your most romantic date
It would have to be the first long drive I went on with my then-fiance-now-husband. We went to a fort located near Aksa beach that he used to visit a lot and wanted to show it to me. We shared so many stories along the way. It was very special. I think arranged dating is so much fun. 🙂
4) If you were to act in a movie (or play a literary character) which one would you choose and why?
I think I am a horrible actor and would ham all the way. But I think I can convey anger well. So maybe one of Kangana’s earlier movies where she used to act all hysterical. 🙂
5) What would be the absolute worst name you could give to a child?
A name I had thought of – ‘Iti’ (pronounced ‘ithi’). It has a beautiful meaning -‘beginning’ but of course he/she would be mercilessly teased because it rhymes with too many things.
The bloggers who I nominate for the ‘Mystery Blogger Award’ are:
I have loved reading what you write. Now it’s time for me to get to know you better. So please answer the following questions in all honesty (and creativity if you like 🙂 )
My Questions
1) What is the one super-power you wish you could have and what would you do with it?
(Other than – living for eternity, having a genie, reading minds or being invisible or any other cliche answers)
2) Describe a perfect day and the one thing that could spoil it in a jiffy
3) What is the one genre of writing you wish you could write but know you can’t
4) Describe the place you currently sit at to write every day and the place you wish you could sit at to write every day
5) Wierd question – What is the best way to dig your nose?
Would love to read your answers so do drop a line on this blog post to let me know when your post is ready. Later! Ciao!
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