We all know how difficult it is to write a book. Today we are going to meet someone who has published two – in one month!! Thrilled to introduce the second author I interviewed in a series conducted jointly by @anshuwrites, @priyreflects and me.
The spotlight today is on…Rashi Roy!!
Rashi is very creative. An award-winning short story writer, Rashi loves to express her emotions through poetry and blogs. She is a musician by heart and has a YouTube channel by her name. She has worked with Infosys as an HR professional before becoming a mother of two kids. When free, she uses her creative skills to make the best use of waste.
How does she find time for all her passions? Let’s find out.
Q1. You are an ex-HR professional, writer, poet, YouTuber and a mother of two who champions recycling! You wrote 52 blog posts and published two eBooks this summer! Do you usually set high benchmarks for yourself?
Thank you so much for the lovely introduction. I am yet to set a benchmark for myself but yes, I have realized setting a target is always good. I wish I could write without being disturbed at all but sigh, that never happens!
Q2. When did you realize you are good at writing? Who in your family is a big supporter of your writing?
It began with teachers appreciating my essays in school. Then while I was working with Infosys I posted some stories in ‘Infy Blog’ which were liked by many and it encouraged me to create my own blog. Later, when I shared my childbirth experience in a parenting site, ‘Momspresso,’ it was appreciated by lakhs of readers and I knew I was on the right path.
My family is my biggest admirer. I share my blogs first with them hoping for a critical feedback but they end up praising it every single time.
Q3. Is there a method/ schedule you follow to write or aspire to follow?
I write whenever I strongly feel about something, there is no such schedule that I follow. I really admire the people who adhere to timelines but for me, I’ll continue to write at my own pace.
Q4. What comes naturally to you – writing fiction or poetry?
Poetry. The rhyming lines come so spontaneously that I immediately jot them down. Once I had the urge to write a poem while sipping my morning cup of tea and I finished both, the poem and my tea at the same time!
For fiction, I spend more time. It has also happened to me that I begin writing with a thought in my mind but I end up writing an altogether different story.
Q5. Describe how your perfect writing spot would look like.
I wish I could write sitting on a beach, looking at the waves and the clear blue sky. Better if it’s a private beach! In reality, with kids jumping and screaming around me, I end up writing on my mobile.
Q6. What’s the next big goal for you as a writer?
It’s a Novel. I have written short stories, poems and blogs and now the next goal is to write my first novel. The plot, characters and even some of the dialogues are right there in my mind. All I have to do is to start writing without wasting any time.
Q7. If you could be a colour, which one would you be, and why?
It must be ‘Blue’ as it depicts calmness which is very close to my nature.
Q8. How do you overcome Writer’s Block?
I switch to music and can play my keyboard for hours. It’s a sure shot way to de-stress. I think I just gave you the secret of how my YouTube channel is going strong!
Q9. Describe your process for research while writing.
I am very observant. Every person I meet leaves a profound impression and I create characters from a mix of them. So, keep reading my stories, you never know my next protagonist might be influenced by you!
Q10. Share some valuable tips for publishing and marketing an eBook.
It is easier now, with your social media presence you can reach out to the maximum audience. Book teasers, excerpts, readings and roleplays make it even more interesting. Connect with your readers much before you launch your book.
Book Blurb: Love is a color with different shades. This book has five short stories and each one depicts a different shade of love. Love can be beautiful, revengeful, a delusion, a fantasy or eternal. Get a taste of all through these stories.
If Rashi’s interview peaked your interest in her writing, download her eBook ‘ The Color Love’ from Amazon. You can also read Paresh’s review of the book, view her dramatic reading and visit her GoodReads page. Rashi’s second book ‘Mansa’, a collection of Hindi poems is available for download, here.
Here’s wishing Rashi all the best for the eBook and all her future endeavours. Wishing you lots of success!!
@RoyrashiRR , do comment and let us know how this interview experience was for you. And do read, share and comment on your fellow author’s interviews as well.
Fellow authors and bloggers, we would love to know your thoughts and views about Rashi’s interview. Do comment and share your thoughts.
Mayuri is being interviewed today by Anshu her blog.
And you must head to Priya’s blog to read Maheshwaran’s interview.
Hope you read all our interviews with newly published authors where they share their motivations, techniques and tips on publishing and marketing an eBook on Anshu’s, Priya’s and my blogs. Our aim is that each one of you finds something to take away from the honest and heartfelt experiences shared by the authors. 🙂
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