The author you will meet today is an IT professional who is admittedly on a voyage to self-discovery through writing. I have always thought that writing is akin to meditation and so I completely understand. Her writing mainly revolve around the freedom, equality and empowerment of women. She also is exploring life through travel and the life lessons learnt in the process.
Rashmi Jain is a warm, friendly and sweet person. But her words are so powerful that they hit you hard. In her book, ‘Be Wild Again’ (Superb title I thought!), she shares her angst about our patriarchal system but also pushes you to fight it. I asked Rashmi who inspires her writing. You will have to read the interview to know the answer!
- You have written a book that s meant to inspire women to unshackle the bonds of patriarchy. Tell us about the strong women who inspire you?
A. The list is long. Because inspiration is everywhere around you. You just need to have an eye for it. Well to name a few, my mom is the first source of inspiration. She is the first strong woman in my life who brought me into this world. Though she has seen many ups and downs but has never given up. She never doubted my capabilities as a woman and has always encouraged us to live the life. She is full of zest, always smiling and exploring life in the midst of all the problems. A part of me is always inspired by a group of lifelong friends, many wonderful women whom I come across in this journey called life and of course, you all awesome girls☺.
- You write prose as well as poetry- which of these come naturally to you? It flows freely like a river my friend
A: It wanders in its own way. Just like a small stone can also create a big ripple, a few words are enough to capture the hidden emotions and deep thoughts beautifully. Yes, the answer is poetry! ☺
- What are the scariest and the most rewarding parts of writing?
A: To present a piece of literary work (something worthy, something close to your heart, something upon which you have devoted your time and effort) in front of a huge audience out there, and the related doubts of meeting the expectations of and fear of acceptance by your readers can be the scariest part. It’s challenging yet exciting. It’s liberating in itself. I always feel rewarded when someone somewhere can relate to it or when my writing brings that beautiful curve on someone’s face or if it brightens someone’s day or uplifts someone’s emotions or motivates someone.
- Who do you go to for writing advice?
A: My inner self 😊
- When did you first realize you could become a writer?
A: I’m not sure of this. But yes, when I signed up for the #BlogChatterA2Z challenge, something clicked. And before I could realize, my first eBook was published!
- Do you spend time thinking about what a reader likes before writing?
A: Who doesn’t want a reader to love what you write? But yes, I write what comes straight from my heart without any filters. I believe if your message is strong and direct from ‘dil se’, it would definitely reach ‘dil tak’ (reach out to your audience).
- If you could turn into someone else for a day, who would it be and why?
A: I don’t want to turn into someone else but yes, if given a chance, to ‘my childhood’ form. Because when you think and act like a kid, full of innocence, curiosity and lack of judgement and differentiation, life becomes a celebration. Name a single person who doesn’t cherish those happy and carefree days. There is no such pure joy that matches laughing wholeheartedly like only a kid can, with a twinkle in the eyes and love in the heart. No money can buy that kind of happiness.
- How do you overcome Writer’s Block?
a) By trying to engage myself in a daily routine.
b) By setting a deadline helps me to focus
c) Noting down the thoughts as bullet points at the same time as it crosses the brain.
d) Relaxing, taking breaks, doing an activity what I like to do. It not only provides some time for my neurons to work, but also boosts my spirits.
- Describe your process for research while writing.
A: I’m a beginner who has just started on the voyage of writing. I take advice from the fellow writers, bloggers and the experts and always have a look out for reviews and feedback. Read books published by other authors. Gather and share the learnings, Google more info regarding the same, and apply whenever required.
- Share some valuable tips for publishing and marketing an eBook.
A: I owe to the entire BlogChatter team for the support, direction and motivation for publishing and marketing the eBook.
Here are some tips which I would like to share :
- Share on social media
- Connect with your audience
- Encourage reviews
- Read and promote others. It does reciprocate.
- Be consistent and make your presence feel.
- Take part in chats and contests. It leverages your connection.
- Join book groups.
- Signing up for the Goodreads author’s program provides you with a good platform not only for marketing, but opens up a whole new world of discovery.
- Creating an Amazon’s page enhances the marketing of the eBook.
- Last but not the least, being a part of such interviews takes your eBook to the next level. Aren’t I right?☺
Book Blurb:
‘Be Wild Again’ is a mirror to show how beautiful, powerful and amazing a woman is. A call to break the barriers of patriarchy, embrace freedom and accept one’s self. It is about freedom and adventure. Not just about breaking the rules but making rules for oneself.
If you enjoy reading authors with a strong voice, you should download ‘Be Wild Again’ by Rashmi Jain today! Check out this video snippet of the book’s dramatic reading carried out by the author. You can also visit her GoodReads page. Aesha Shah has reviewed Rashmi’s book here.
Best of luck, Rashmi, for your eBook and all your future endeavours!!
Would love to know your thoughts on the interview- @Rashmi_RJ05 and you, my readers!
I am excited to read Sonia’s and Nupur’s interviews on Anshu’s and Priya ‘s blogs today. Do head there.
This interview is a part of a series conducted jointly by @anshuwrites, @priyreflects and me. I had a lot of fun carrying out virtual interviews with Arjun Gupta, Rashi Roy, Tomichan Matheikal, Varad , Saba, Kanika G, Neha Tambe, Monika Davessar, Reema D’Souza, Deepa and Namratha. In case you haven’t caught those interviews, please do so and share your thoughts! Our aim is that each one of you finds something to take away from the honest and heartfelt experiences shared by the authors.
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