Who needs to look at celebrities / iconic personalities to be inspired? I get inspired by my peers. By those who have achieved so much …overcome so many hardships and are writing their own success stories. Inspired by people who are able to bare their souls… display their emotions and flaws… making others like me to feel good about myself. Inspired by those who are happy with their jobs and motivated to do so much more. Inspired by those who set impossible-seeming goals for themselves. Inspired by those who are able to write thirty things they like about themselves. Inspired by those who are able to tell the whole world they got their heart broken twice in the same year. Inspired by people who are able to be organised about daily expenditures. Inspired by those who are always smiling and helping others…even going out of their way to do so! Inspired to do more than what is expected of you. Inspired to dream- and believe that they will come true. Inspired to be passionate. Inspired to change!

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